

The 24th intake students are “on fire” with their best in their first Music Night at TDTU

On the night of October 7th, 2020, at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), the Center for National Defense and Security Education held a Music Performance for the 24th intake students with the theme “Permanently Echoing the Patriot Melody”. This is a content of the program National Defense and Security Sport Games for the academic year 2020-2021.

The show gathered more than 1,000 students with 16 performances including solo singing, duet singing, traditional dancing, and modern dancing. The performances were carefully invested in both content and form, with themes about love for the country, aspirations of youth, enthusiasm and praise for the good values ​​of life.

There were plenty of exciting and cheerful performances with enthusiastic cheers from the audience. The show has become an unforgettable mark for the 24th intake students.

At the end of the program, the jury selected the most outstanding performances to award as follows:

- First Prize: “Vietnam Pride” performance

- Second prize: “Blood and Flowers” performance

- Third Prize: “Vietnam” singing and dancing performance

- 2 Consolation Prizes: “Send to Vietnamese white soldiers” performance and “Vietnam in me” performance

- “Most enthusiastic fans” prize: Group 205, Company 5

The Music Performance of Center for National Defense and Security Education is an annual activity to welcome new members to TDTU family, towards the celebration of the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, 20th of November. This is a useful playground to create a joyful and vibrant atmosphere, strengthen the tradition of patriotism and the spirit of solidarity, as well as show the youth and creativity of the students.


Colonel Nguyen Tien Loc, Director of the Center for National Defense and Security Education delivering the opening speech at the 24th intake Music Performance


The jury marking the performances


First Prize: “Vietnam Pride” performance


Second prize: “Blood and Flowers” performance


The performances are meticulously invested in costumes and choreography


The fans enthusiastically cheering for the performances and creating a vibrant and playful atmosphere


The jury awarding the prizes to the teams


The bright smiles of the new 24th intake students