Mau Tuat New Year’s Gathering (2018)

In the morning of February 25th, 2018 (The tenth of the first lunar month, Mau Tuat), Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held the New year’s Gathering with the attendance of the University Board, the Presidential Board, and all lecturers and staff.

Prof. Le Vinh Danh, Secretary of Party Committee and President of TDTU wished everyone a healthy, peaceful and successful new year. The Executive Committee of the Trade Union organized the "Lucky Wheel" lottery. Everyone was very cheerful and filled with enthusiasm. After the event, some departments continued the celebration at their units; others had informal lunch with their co-workers.

Some pictures from the New Year’s Gathering:

Overview of the New Year’s Gathering at Hall A
Overview of the New Year’s Gathering at Hall A

Prof. Le Vinh Danh, TDTU President wishes everyone a successful and healthy new year
Prof. Le Vinh Danh, TDTU President wishes everyone a successful and healthy new year

President gives lucky money to lecturers and staff
President gives lucky money to lecturers and staff

Everyone joins the lottery enthusiastically and receives New Year’s gifts

Each group was very joyful during New Year’s gathering
Each group was very joyful during New Year’s gathering