TDTU: connecting with international friends and Vietnamese returning to their homeland
Increasing international cooperation is one of the strong activities that Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has been implementing. So far, the University has received over 3,000 international students from more than 30 countries to study long-term for undergraduate and graduate level, short-term, and cultural exchange at the University.
During the Cultural exchange program from 11th to 17th of May, 2019, TDTU has welcomed the delegation of lecturers and students from Georgia State University (GSU), USA, to study and exchange.
Learning and sightseeing activities not only introduced a good image of Vietnam to GSU lecturers and students, but also created opportunities for TDTU students to expand their relationships and improve their foreign language communication skills on the journey to become global citizens.
Dr. Laura Hastings, Head of GSU delegation said: “TDTU welcomed us warmly. Especially the international volunteer student team guided us very carefully. In my opinion, cultural exchange is not only about meeting, but more importantly about becoming friends and having real communication to understand each other.”
Tinh Trinh, a Vietnamese-origin GSU student expressed: "This trip to TDTU is very meaningful to me and Angela (another Vietnamese-origin GSU student in the delegation), because we are able to find the voice and Vietnam homeland. Here, I have the opportunity to speak Vietnamese with my Vietnamese friends. I am very proud to be able to speak Vietnamese with everyone.”
Georgia State University is a public research university, founded in 1913 in the heart of Atlanta commercial zone, USA. GSU is the second largest University of Georgia State, with more than 51,000 students.
Some photos of GSU students during the journey for study and cultural exchange at TDTU: