The 4th International Conference on "Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering: Theory and Application"
The 4th International Technology Conference “Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering: Theory and Application” (AETA) will take place between October 7th and 9th, 2017 at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). AETA was founded by TDTU along with two strategic partners: Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Pukyong National University (Korea). This year, AETA will be hosted in Ho Chi Minh City by TDTU with the participation of Technical University of Ostrava, Pukyong National University and Feng Chia University (Taiwan).
The AETA 2017 is an international scientific event which aims not only to promote the training and transfer of technology in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science and mechatronics, but also to expand the opportunities for research cooperation between TDTU along with scientific institutions and other universities from all around the world with the business community.
The Articles accepted by the AETA Editorial Board will be printed in the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Series (Springer Publisher) and indexed in the ISI Proceedings Database, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, MetaPress and Springerlink.
Important milestones:
- Deadline for submission: July 15th, 2017;
- Notification of acceptance: August 10th, 2017;
- Receiving original and copyright file: August 30th, 2017;
- Registration for the conference: August 30th, 2017;
- Official date for Conference: from December 7th to 9th, 2017.
For more information, please visit AETA 2017 website.