Multi-scale computational models
This is the seminar content of the Division of Computational Mechanics Research Group (DCM), Computational Chemistry Research Group (ComChem) and Laboratory of theoretical and computational biophysics (TCB Lab) of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).
There will be 4 reports presented at the seminar:
- A size-dependent numerical model for analysis of micro/nanostructures
- Quantum chemistry composite methods, Gaussian-n (Gn) theory
- Estimation of equilibrium thermodynamic quantities by averaging over an ensemble of non-equilibrium paths generated by symmetric processes
- Transmembrane Amyloid β-barrel Structures: A REMD study
Time: from 14:00 to 16:00 on April 12, 2019.
Location: Meeting room B, TDTU; 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
Presentation language: English and Vietnamese.
Participants: scientists, researchers and interested students can come and discuss. Register with the Organizer before April 11, 2019 by phone (028 37755037) or email (
Information about Reporters:
- Dr. Thai Hoang Chien, member of DCM Group will present the method of numerical resolution of micro / nano structures. Dr. Chien is the author of more than 50 ISI (h-index 25) articles, in which there are a number of publications in magazines: Composites Part B: Engineering (Impact factor 4.9), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Impact factor 4.4), and Composite Structure (Impact factor 4.1). With over 2,000 citations during 8 years of research, he is a leading expert in the field of Computational Mechanics at TDTU.
- Dr. Nguyen Minh Tam, member of ComChem Group, Assistant Professor at TDTU. At this seminar, Dr. Tam will present the Calculation Method in Gaussian. He is the author of nearly 40 ISI (h-index 13) articles; these include publications in the journals: Chemistry – A European Journal (Impact factor 5.2), Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Impact factor 4.5), and Scientific Report (Impact factor 4.2). Dr. Tam is now one of the leading experts in the field of Materials Science at TDTU.
- Dr. Nguyen Trung Hai, a member of Lab TCB will present unbalanced methods. Dr. Hai is the author of more than 20 ISI (h-index 8) articles, in which there are publications in magazines: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Impact factor 9.5), Journal of chemical theory and computation (Impact factor 5.4), and Chemistry – A European Journal (Impact factor 5.1). He is one of the leading experts at TDTU in the field of methods of calculating the affinity for freedom connection of biological systems.
- Dr. Ngo Son Tung, Head of Lab TCB, Assistant Professor at TDTU will present the latest research results on Trans membrane Amyloid β-barrel Structures. Dr. Tung is the author of more than 27 ISI (h-index 11) articles with some publications in leading magazines such as: Coordination Chemistry Reviews (Impact factor: 14.5), Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Impact factor: 3.2), and the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (Impact factor: 4.2).