Korean symphony concert "Korean Friends of Viet Nam"
With the aim of introducing to the lecturers and students the uniqueness and diversity of Korean music; especially the classical and chamber music genre; Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) cooperated with the Korean Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City and Korean Sunny Welfare Foundation to organize the Korean Symphony Program: Korean Friends of Viet Nam. The program has the participation of many famous Korean musicians.
Program’s agenda: i) introducing the program and its performing artists; ii) introducing and performing symphony music; iii) introducing and performing concert and opera; iv) exchanging with students.
Participating Artists:
- Cellist Chan Uk Kang (Cello);
- Pianist Czae, Hugh Sung (Piano);
- Artist Hwajin Lee (viola);
- Violinist Yoo Kyung Min, Seula Czae (Violin);
- Opera Artist YuJung Bae (Soprano);
- Opera Artist HyunHo Kim (Base);
- Opera Artist SeungHee Cha (Soprano).
Time: from18:00 to 21:00 on January 11, 2018 (Friday);
Venue: Hall A, TDTU; 19 Nguyen Huu Tho str., Tan Phong ward, Dist. 7.
We, the organizers, would like to request the pleasure of the company of lecturers and students to our joyful event.