Open Data on Agriculture and Global Nutrition
This is the theme of the Public Lectures Program going to be held on October 30, 2018 by Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).
The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) was launched for the purpose of establishing a global database of agriculture and nutrition, fully accessible to all countries in the world. Since its establishment in 2001, GODAN has been in operation with more than 800 representative offices of governments, research and training organizations and businesses in more than 105 countries around the world.
Speaker: André Laperriere, Executive Director of the United Nations Global Food and Agriculture Open Data Program. He has held senior management positions at a number of international organizations, including the Global Environment Facility (GEF); Global Trust Council (GTC); The International Criminal Court (ICC); World Health Organization (WHO); The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Time: 09:00 on October 30, 2018;
Venue: Hall 2A, TDTU; 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
Participants: TDTU lecturers and students. For guests outside the TDTU, please register for the program before October 27, 2018 for convenient arrangement. Register here.