“Understand Yourself - Expand Your Identity” Talk Show

Understanding yourself is the key to unlocking the path to discovering your identity and the deep potential within you. By identifying personal interests and passions, individuals not only find motivation but can also create a solid and clear career path.

To help students better understand themselves, connect with those around them, and build meaningful relationships, thereby creating motivation for their career development process, the Department of Student Affairs is organizing the talk show “Understand Yourself - Expand Your Identity”, which is presented by Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan - Founder & CEO of Reflective Learnings, author of the book “Học chắc, Ngẫm nhanh, Thành sớm” (Study Thoroughly, Think Fast, Succeed Early).

Detailed information:

Time: 9:30-11:30, December 11, 2024 (Wednesday)

Venue: Hall 6M, Ton Duc Thang University

Registration: here

Contact information: Department of Student Affairs (A.0003), Ton Duc Thang University, 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City; Email: desa@tdtu.edu.vn
