Recent typical studies on plants and animals in Vietnam
The Department for Management Science & Technology Development (Demasted) of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) would like to announce the periodical seminar in September 2021 as follows:
Time: From 13:30 to 15:30 on September 15, 2021.
Venue: Ton Duc Thang University, online.
At the Seminar, Dr. Pham Van The, the member of EMM-RG of TDTU will present: Phenological growth stages of longan (Dimocarpus longan) according to the BBCH scale.
Languages: English and Vietnamese.
Participants: Scientists, researchers, and students interested in the seminar. Please contact the Organizing Committee for registration before September 12, 2021.
Phone number: 028 37755037
Information about the speaker: Dr. The is the author of nearly 20 ISI articles (H-index: 7 according to WOS), with some typical publications in leading journals in the field: Scientia Horticulturae (Impact factor: 3.463), Annals of Applied Biology (Impact factor: 2.750), Parasitology Research (Impact factor: 2.403), and Phytotaxa (Impact factor: 1.168).