VIETHERB: Database of Vietnamese herbal species
Traditional Vietnamese medicine with the use of natural herbs has a very long history. However, the database of these herbs mainly exists on handwritten documents, is relatively rare and difficult to standardize and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. The Seminar with the content "The database of Vietnamese herbs" will introduce VIETHERB ( This is an open database about Vietnamese herbs, serving the research and modernization of traditional medicine, drug preparation by computer, conservation of endangered plant species as well as providing research information for other relevant scientific disciplines.
Speaker: Asoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Ly, International University - Vietnam National University HCMC;
Date: from 14:00 to 16:00 on April 19th, 2019;
Venue: Meeting room C, Ton Duc Thang University; 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City;
Language: English and Vietnamese.
Participants: scientists, researchers and students who have interests. Register to attend to the Organizing Committee before April 18th, 2019 via Telephone (028 37755037) or email: (
The Speaker’s biography: Dr. Le Thi Ly graduated from the University of Utah biochemistry in 2010.
Dr. Ly is one of the youngest lecturers to be appointed Associate Professor in Vietnam in 2014. She is currently managing the Center for Computational Biology at the International University. Her main research directions include: simulation of drug / vaccine design, pharmacokinetics and big data in biomedical.