2018 Career fair
For the purpose of connecting recruiters with high quality human resources of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU); enabling graduated students and those nearing graduation to approach the large enterprises, find out information and job opportunities as well as investigate their self-start-up ability basing on the experience of enterprises, TDTU in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Export Processing and Industrial Zones Authority (HEPZA) will organize the 2018 Career Fair with the following information:
Time: 07:30 to 16:30, December 1, 2018 (Saturday);
Location: TDTU; No. 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
There are more than 80 enterprises going to participate in this event, especially enterprises from Tan Thuan Industrial Park, Linh Trung Export Processing Zone, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park; Over 4,000 final year students in total of more than 22,000 TDTU students studying 38 majors in university and 14 majors in college. Also on this occasion, students with difficult circumstances and good academic achievement will be offered scholarships from businesses.
If you are interested in joining us or have the pleasure of sponsoring a scholarship, please register here.
Program Profile: click here
Site layout: click here
Funding for scholarships and benefits of the funding: click here
Registration deadline: before November 25, 2015;
For more information, please contact:
• Ms. Huynh Thi Cam Linh:
- Email: huynhthicamlinh@tdtu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0934 962 698
• Mr. Tang Khac Quy:
- Email: tangkhacquy@tdtu.edu.vn
- Phone number: 0978 058 469