Cultural exchange with students from Waseda University (Japan)
Faculty of Labor Relations and Trade Unions, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) will hold an exchange program with students from Waseda University (Japan) with the topic "Vietnamese-Japanese cultural exchange". Here is some information about the program:
Content: There are 3 main parts in the cultural exchange: i) Vietnamese-Japanese cultural exchange; ii) Vietnamese - Japanese cuisine culture exchange; iii) discussion on the role of women in Vietnamese and Japanese society. In addition, the program includes sharing the experience in organizing and participating in students’ extracurricular activities and volunteer activities.
Time: From 10:00 to 17:00 on March 08th, 2018;
Location: Room A101 and internal road, TDTU; 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City;
Participants: Students from Waseda University, lecturers and students of Faculty of Labor Relations and Trade Unions.