“Spring Market 2018” Fair
This is one of the activities included in Ton Duc Thang University’s Spring Festival Program to welcome the year of the Dog in 2018. There are 03 pavilions:
- Students’ pavilion: students are self-employed to practice selling commodities such as apparel, cosmetics, handmade products and food;
- Entrepreneur pavilion: they are organized by enterprises with the purpose of introducing the products and services of enterprises to TDTU community and society;
- Parity pavilion: they are organized by faculties, selling products at the same price to raise fund to subsidize fares for coaches to their hometown on the occasion of Lunar New Year for students living in difficulty. All unused products from lecturers and students will be encouraged to donate to this pavilion.
How to open a pavilion?
- Student’s pavilion: Register with the organizer by email or directly on the STDT Communications channel, or TDTU Event Development Team (TED).
- Entrepreneur pavilion: Register directly with the organizer (phone number: 0964 94 7179 (speak to Anh Thu) or connect via TDTU Students.
- Parity pavilion: The organizing committee opens a pavilion for each faculty at the fair. The faculties encourage lecturers and students to contribute items to the market.
Time: from 8:00, 2nd February, 2018 to 17:00, 3rd February, 2018.
Venue: Street No.1 and Street No.3, Tan Phong Campus (the internal street around the library);
The organizers look forward to receiving the enthusiastic participation of the all lecturers and students.